Our Values

These aims and values come from our new constitution (2022). You can read a full copy at the bottom of the page.


3.1 To be under God, a Christ-centered church which impacts the community by making disciples.

3.2 This will be achieved by:

3.2.1 Providing regular public gatherings where Christ can be taught in a relevant way from the Scriptures, communion (the Lord’s Supper) can be shared, an appropriate response of worship invited and meaningful fellowship encouraged.

3.2.2 Providing opportunities for growth and discipleship through study of the Scriptures, through prayer and through a deeper walk with Jesus.

3.2.3 Supporting the biblical family by encouraging healthy marriages which are open to healing and forgiveness; partnering with parents to provide stable and faith-nurturing environments, and fostering integrative support networks to those who may be more isolated.

3.2.4 Encouraging members individually and corporately to act as ‘light and salt’ in the wider community through speaking truth, practising love and speaking of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

3.2.5 Using our physical facilities in ways which are of benefit to our local community and promote the Christian faith.

3.2.6 Offering partnership and support to those individuals and organisations we recognise as called by God to serve Christ within Australia and Overseas.



4.1 remain committed to the core values of the historic Churches of Christ movement while recognising the changing ways that these may be expressed; and

4.2 seek unity in ‘Christ alone’ within our church and in the wider Church; and

4.3 value the diversity that exists within the church whilst always being anchored to the Scriptures; and

4.4 long for the simplicity of faith that characterised the New Testament church; and

4.5 expect accountability and godly character in our members which is exemplified in our leaders; and

4.6 seek to encourage a boldness in faith based on the leading of the Holy Spirit; and

4.7 value people as image-bearers of Christ regardless of background, history, age, gender, colour, race, education and other distinctives.

Constitution 2022 COCO FINAL.docx